Public policy design project I was running while working at Liberté Living-lab for the Préfecture d’Occitanie (representing the French state in Occitanie region) as a project manager. I was working on this project in pair with a designer of my team. project The challenge was : How to deliver public services to a senior population with low digital literacy, living in a mountain area where most public services offices are being closed and replaced by online administrative procedures?
We organized citizens focus groups in 3 villages of the area to understand and collect : needs, pain points in regards to public services access. We created cards listing the main services categories to help the citizens participate.
After synthesizing the learnings of the research phase, we formulated 6 conception challenges. For each challenge, we designed a concept answering citizens needs including : mobile public services offer, local digital mediators, solution to encourage local mutual aid and “territorial commons”.
We designed a workshop to gather citizens again to co-ideate and improve the concepts we proposed and plan tests at a small scale.
User research, citizen participation, dealing with multiple stakeholders (political vs citizens)